
Páginas: 2 (405 palabras) Publicado: 14 de octubre de 2012

Chapter 3:ancient Mesopotamia

1.sumerians were the worlds Fritz civilization
a.in ancient Mesopotamia
b.invented many things Frits

2.sumerians created a civilizationin Mesopotamia
*middle East =southwest asia
*Tigris/europhrates river valey
*means”land between the Rivers”
*in “fert Crescente”:area of good farm the E,mediterranean sea coast ,throeugththe t/e valley to the persian gulf

3.good resources attracted and supported a growing population

4.many groups ruled Mesopotamia from 3,500 to 5,000 bc a sumerians Fritz
*many invaders_attracted by wealth (makers vs.takers)
-no natural barries
-weakened by fighting themselvs (united we stand … divided we fall)
5.whit the neolithic revolution,the sumerians developed S.O.L.a.agricultural surplus led to new Jobs services,and products
b.many “first”invention came from agricultural sumerans
1-animal pulled plow
2-potters wheel
3-wheeled cart
4-sailboats5-writing (cuneiforme-see below)
6-numbers:base -60 counting system
b.numerical places
c.circle math:360 degree circle,pi
d.influenced todays timescounting system (system 60 min,60sec)
7-lunar calendar:12 moths of 30 days each,360-day year

6.sumerians invented the first writing:cuneiforme
a.means ¨wedge-shaped”
b.started asPictures-writing:simple drawn images
c.became simplified,abstract symbols that were easy write
d.used wedge-cut stylus presed into wet clay tables
e.dried or baked tablets lasted
f.used in trade ;laterby goverment/religión
g.scribes:new Jobs
h.adooted by people who conquered Mesopotamia

7.sumerian cities became city-states ruled by priest
a.City states=city with surrounding farmalandruled by an independent government (minikingdom)
b.sumer had 12 indepent city –states
1-river valley subdived by numerous tributaries into regions
2-developed distinctly different identities...
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