
Páginas: 2 (346 palabras) Publicado: 10 de enero de 2013
•What is vector- born?
Unfortunately, this mosquito is adapted to the urban environment. Eggs deposited on the internal walls of any kind of containers can contain artificial water.
Themosquito Aedes aegypti and some other species transmit the virus to humans. Aedes aegypti is found in tropical and subtropical parts of South America, parts of the Caribbean, and Africa (not Asia). Apart frommosquitoes, the only other known hosts of the virus are primates and humans. 
• According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 200,000 cases of yellow fever worldwide eachyear, and 30,000 deaths. About 90% of all cases occur in Africa..
• Note that the female is itchy.
It happens as in most species of mosquito that feeds on blood is the female, because it needs thehuman or animal blood for their eggs mature and can deposit them in a kennel. The male feeds on plant juices (nectar).
Medication & Treatment:
There is currently no yellow fever treatment that cankill the virus. Therefore, treatment is focused on providing relief of a person's symptoms as the body fights the virus. Treatment to relieve symptoms can include resting in bed, drinking plenty offluids, and taking acetaminophen (not aspirin) to relieve fever and discomfort. In severe cases, treatment of yellow fever requires hospitalization for intensive supportive care.

How did they discoverit?
Carlos Juan Finlay
His theory: In 1881, he proposed that mosquitoes are the carrier and the cause of yellow fever as opposed to the theory that human beings were the carrier of the disease. Heexplained that mosquitoes become the carrier of yellow fever disease when they bite an infected person and when they bit a healthy person; the person consequently gets the yellow fever disease. He wasthe first person to associate mosquitoes as the cause of yellow fever and that is why the discovery of the disease is largely accredited to him.

Does past infection with yellow fever make a...
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