Hola Como Estan

Páginas: 6 (1385 palabras) Publicado: 27 de noviembre de 2012

Vocabulario 1a Chases−cazar Greatest−el mas grande Catching−alcanzar Kindly−amablemente Fox−zorro Stepfather−padrastro Hide−esconderse Fights−peleando Wild−salvaje Agreed−convenía Freely−libremente Gipsies−gitanos Smell−oler Band−venda Speckler−manchada Wild−salvaje Stormy−tempetuoso Poison−veneno Locked−bloqueado Lonely−sola Mistake−error Mending−reparaVocabulario 2a Showed−enseñó Over−encima Mending−reparación Keeps−subsiste Bell−rope−cuerda campana Papers−papeles Also−también Spend−pasar


Pulled−tiró Explains−explica Fixed−fijo Rope−cuerda Vocabulario 3a Hit−golpear Hard−dificilmente Moved−movía Turn−vuelta Snake−serpiente story Watson was living with his friend Sherlock Holmes when a woman knoked in the door. She looked unhappy, and her hairwas grey but she was thirty, because she was so afraid. She began to tell her story: −I live whith my stepfather Dr Grimesby near a village in the country.Now his family is very rich thanks to my mother´s money, but when he was born their were very poor.He went out to India to studied to be a doctor snd he meet my mother when my sister and I were young. −He´s a very violent man, in Indian hekilled a his servant because he has got angry, my mother was dead 8 years ago. He fights with thr people from the village he has wild Indians animal in the garden and there are many gipsies too. −We havn´t got servants because their´re many afraid, and we have to do the housework in the house. −My sister died two years ago she was young she met a man and she was to marry with him. Wen she died wasterrible time. First there is the stepfhather´s room near him is the sister´s room and near is my bedroom. The windows are in the garden. She ask me: −Have your ever heared a whistle in the middle of the night? I don´t heared this, but now yes. Suddenly I heared a womas scream and a metalic sund and a whistle and Julia said: −It was the band! The speckler band!. The police couldn´t understand why didshe dead. Holmes said: −If we go to your house today, but your stepfather can´t know this. Holmes and Watson visit the house 2

They went to the house and saw the rooms, Holmes saw a bell−rope over the air−vent, he pulled the rope but it not worked. In the stepfather´s room it was a plate of milk and a metal. Holmes said to helen she´s in danger and he is going tonight, she mut open the windowand the light of julia room when he stepfater was sleep. The splecked band When they saw the light throw the window and they waited. There was a quiet whistle, and suddenly it sound a cry in the Dr. Roylott´s room and a metal. He was dead arround his heard was a splecked band an it´s moved... it was a snacked and his poison is very well to ill an is difficult to find in a dead body. The gipsiesbring it from Indian. He put it on the sister´s room thanks to the air−vent. Vocabulario 1b Show−enseñar Business−negocio Post−poste Hope−esperanza Royal−real Pulled−quitó Both−ambos Vocabulario 2b Lawyer−abogado While−mientras que Miss−falta Vocabulario 3b Themselves−ellos mismos Gold−oro The king´s mistake Holmes call to Watson a in his house arrived a letter with no date, name or address, it´s aexpensive paper to Bohemia it said: A inportant man come to your house to talk for you to inportant business, stay in your room tonight. The man comes with a mask but holmes knows he is the king. He is to get married whit a inportant person but his lover have a photo of his and her in love and his future wife don´t like this, Holmes has to take this photo. A servant finds out 3

Watson was inSherlok´s room at 3:00, but Holmes didn´t arrived untill 4:00 he wear a servant´s clothes, he was happy. When he was in Irene´s house a lawyer call Godfrey Norton leave it an take a taxi to the church and Irene do it too, so i do it. When I was here the lawyer saw me and I hepped him to marry Irene. Tey needed a witness. Well tonight He need Watson´s help. He must give Holmes a smoke−stick for...
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