
Páginas: 4 (903 palabras) Publicado: 16 de mayo de 2012
The Mothers Day: is a holiday that is celebrated in honor of mothers. It is celebrated at different times of the year by country. The Modern Day Madrefue created by Julia Ward Howe in 1870,originally as a Mothers Day for Peace, which then became a day for each family should honor her mother. Has finally been accepted as a holiday in many parts of the world.
In El Salvador is a national day inwhich no work or study and is is dedicated especially for mothers, in different known tourist, plazas, restaurants and shopping centers there are mariachis and is celebrated on May 10 in the othercountries is the same the only thing that changes is the date such
. Here are some dates for the Mother's Day around the world:
- Argentina: third Sunday in October
- Bolivia: May 27
- Costa Rica:August 15
- Spain, South Africa: first Sunday in May
- USA, Canada, Australia ... Ecuador - second Sunday in May
- Ireland, England: Fourth Sunday of Lent
- Mexico: May 10
- Nicaragua: May 30
-Panama: December 8
- Paraguay: May 15
- Dominican Republic, Sweden: last Sunday in May
Independence Day:
is when each country is commemorating the day when slavery endedand achieved its being free.in El Salvador as a national holiday is celebrated in the streets of the capital pricipales is known despile the mail followed by the militaryschool and culminates in thestadium majico gonzales with demonstrations of military skill.

in other countries as all Central Americans held the same date as theSeptember 15 Slavador
  in United States is celebrated on July 4 and in Mexico is September 16valentines day
Valentine's Day is a traditional celebration of Anglo-Saxon countries that has been implemented in other countries throughout the twentieth century primarily in the loving couplesexpress their love and affection to each other. Held on February 14, Valentine's birthday. In some countries is known as Valentine's Day and in others as the Day of Love and Friendship
in most...
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