
Páginas: 2 (322 palabras) Publicado: 23 de octubre de 2012

Engineering has always been an important part of society, especially because all of the important inventions but in my point of view and opinion Iwouldn’t like to be an engineer because of some simple reasons.
First of all I know that I am pretty good at math but it is not that I don’t like it, but it gets boring sometimesand most of all they stress me out a little bit. Another reason why I wouldn’t like to be an engineer it is simply because I have my mind focused on other careers that Ireally like and I think I am pretty good at them.
Engineering can have good salaries but think about long term, well in my opinion young people have brighter and newideas so when you get old it might be a possibility that a young guy will take your place sooner or later and well there’s so many other jobs that would pay you better andnot only that you would learn new things and skills, because I mean in engineering it is all about doing the things over again and again with the same “formula” Know whatI mean?
My next reason I guess it would be engineering achievements. Like I said before, in engineering you do the same things over and over again so I guess Iwouldn’t have a great and awesome engineering achievement in my life, of course I would if I was a pretty good engineering with a lot of money, unfortunately I guess I am not.I got to the conclusion that I know engineers are like the basic thing to form new technologies but they’re just that, nothing less, nothing more. They’re not recognizedor appreciated as much. So I really don’t want to be an engineer but, I accept that being an engineer must be awesome and it is a decent job.
Erandi Salcedo
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