
Páginas: 2 (451 palabras) Publicado: 4 de marzo de 2013
ASCE citation style (ASCE 2010) uses a variation of the Author-date style. To cite sources in the text, use the author-date method; list the last names of the authors, then the year. The formats areas follows: one author—(Smith 2004); two authors—(Smith and Jones 2004); three or more authors—(Smith et al. 2004).
Prepare a reference section listing all references alphabetically by last name ofthe first author. In this section you should list all the authors. For anonymous reports and standards, alphabetize by the issuing institution. Double-space the reference section.
Below are samples ofproperly formatted and complete references:
King, S., and Delatte, N. J. (2004). “Collapse of 2000 Commonwealth Avenue: Punching shear case study.” J. Perf. Constr. Facil., 18(1), 54-61.Double-check the year, journal title, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers. ASCE reference information can be verified using the ASCE Database at www.pubs.asce.org.
Conference Proceedings
Fwa, T.F., Liu, S. B., Teng, K. J. (2004). “Airport pavement condition rating and maintenance-needs assessment using fuzzy logic.” Proc., Airport Pavements: Challenges and New Technologies, ASCE, Va., 29-38.Include the sponsor of the conference or publisher of the proceedings, AND that entity’s location—city and state or city and country.
Books and Reports
Halpin, Daniel (2006). Construction Management,3hd Ed., Wiley,
Ahuja, H., Dozzi, S., and Abourizk, S. (1994). Project Management, 2nd Ed., Wiley and Sons, New York.
Feld, J., and Carper, K. (1997). Construction failure, 2nd Ed., Wiley, NewYork.
Book references must include author, book title, publisher, and the publisher’s location. If a specific chapter is being used, list the chapter title and inclusive page numbers. For reports, includethe full institution name (not just the acronym) and its location.
Unpublished Material
Unpublished material is not included in the references. It may be cited in the text in the following forms:...
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