Homework About Percents

Páginas: 2 (473 palabras) Publicado: 3 de agosto de 2011

Name: ________________________ Group: ___7-______ Term: __ ___
Date: _____________

1. Solve the following operations:

a. 7 + (-4) b.-16 + 4 c. -17 + (-6) d. -9 + 8 e. -6 + (-2)

f. 5 – (-2) g. 0 – 11 h. – 15 – (-21) i. 23 – (-14) j. 14 – 18

k. 6(-5) l. 7(-13) m. -14 (-3) n. -2(-10) o. -15(-11)

p. 21 ÷ (-3)q. 120 ÷ (-40) r. -84 ÷ 12 s. 156 ÷ (-12) t. -20 ÷ (-10)

2. Evaluate the expressions:

a. When a = -7 and b = 5

a + b = -4 + b + a = -12 + a + b =

b. When a = -5 , b = 6, c = -9,d = 2

b + c – d = d – b + a = b + a – c =

c. When x = -8 and y = 6

5x = -9y = xy = -6xy =

d. When x = -8 and y = -12

[pic] = [pic] = [pic] =[pic] = [pic] =

Solve the following problems using the corresponding operation:

3. Natalia works at the museum. The museum is having a special art exhibit. Natalia has the job ofcounting how many people enter and how many people exit. She writes the numbers down on a piece of paper and adds them every fifteen minutes. The capacity of the museum is 250 people. Natalia is neversupposed to allow more than 250 people inside the museum. Here are the numbers she recorded for the next hour. Positive numbers, given by plus symbols denote people entering. Negative numbers denote peopleleaving. There are 235 visitors at 11:00 a.m.

11:00 – 11:15: -1 , -5 , +2 , - 3, +4 , +5, -2

11:15 – 11:30: -2, +2, +4, -1, -6, +2, +1, +3, -5

11:30 – 11:45: +10, +2, -5, -7, -1, +1, +3, -211:45 – 12:00: +2, -1, -4, -2, +4, +2

a. How many people were inside the museum at 11:15?

b. How many people inside at 11:30?

c. How many people inside at 11:45?

d. How manypeople inside at 12:00?

e. Did Natalia ever let more than 250 people inside the museum?

4. The surface of the Dead Sea is 408 meters below the level of the oceans. East of the Dead Sea...
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