How much, how many, alot of lesson

Páginas: 3 (635 palabras) Publicado: 21 de junio de 2011
How Much, how many, few/little, a lot of
How much and how many are used to ask about quantities, but they are used differently. When using how much we are referring to uncountable nouns andwhen using how many, we are referreing to countable nouns.
Much", "many", and "a lot of" indicate a large quantity of something, for example "I have a lot of friends " means I have a largequantity of friends.

Much vs. Many
* I don't have many CD's in my collection. (Countable noun)
* They don't have much money to buy a present. (Uncountable noun)
* How many brothers do youhave? (Countable noun)
* Is there much milk in the fridge? (Uncountable noun)

Note: we don't use Much and Many in positive sentences, we use a lot of or lots of.
I have much money. (Incorrectbecause the sentence is positive / affirmative)
I have a lot of money. (Correct)

Few vs. Little
We use Few and Little to suggest a small quantity.
Few is used with countable nouns
Little is usedwith uncountable nouns.
* There are only a few days left until Christmas. (Countable noun)
* There is little hope of finding your wallet. (Uncountable noun)
While Few and Little usuallyhave positive meanings, very few and very little have negative meanings.
* He is sad because he has very few friends. (Countable noun)
* They have very little knowledge about politics.(Uncountable noun)
A lot of vs. Lots of
A lot of and lots of are used to express that there is a large quantity of something.
We use a lot of in positive sentences, negative sentences and questions. Thisexpression can be used with countable or uncountable nouns.
* There are a lot of dogs in the street. (Countable noun)
* I have a lot of time to answer your questions. (Uncountable noun)
* Isaw a lot of people waiting in the queue. (Countable)
* We did have a lot of fun, didn't we? (Uncountable)
We use lots of in positive and negative sentences, however it is more informal. It can...
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