Hunger Games Task

Páginas: 3 (706 palabras) Publicado: 18 de octubre de 2012
Hunger Games Task

The movie of Hunger Games have many things that are like real life of my point of view, one of the things that is similar to real life it’s that when the games start and all thetributes of the districts are going to be presented in the kind of parade of cars, if you think it this way the cars they use are similar than the cars or like a kind of coach that the romans use tofight and make races. Of my point of view when they passed in the cars in the middle of the stands with all the people shouting and screaming its very similar as the Carnival Of Rio de Janeiro, if youthink it this way in the Carnival of Rio the make allegoric Cars, and in Hunger Games also the cars or coaches they use have like themes that call the attention of the people and make that people lovethem.
Other of the things that its very similar to real life it’s the train that they used to go from district twelve to the capital, here also we have the same trains that fly with magnets so it’sa technology that we have now and it is like the same as the train that appears on the movie, the difference of that train it is that the inside of the train its different from the inside of thetrains of these days. If you think it this way the Hunger Games can be like the Olympic games, the World cup of football or it can be just a National Championship like the super bowl, because in my pointof view in the Hunger games they fight to prove they are the best District, obviously in real like they don’t fight to dead but they compete to prove who is the best of teams, runners, swimmers,’s a competition and the smarter or the one with the best skills wins, for me the Hunger Games are the same as de Olympic Games but a kind of different , and if we went to the past all of this it islike the Fights of the coliseum, it is just the same they killed among themselves and only one survived, and they do it just for the fun of the public, the king, emperor or other important people...
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