Ice cream

Páginas: 3 (750 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2012

To take food and drunk frosts is a very old custom. One tells that Alexander Magno ordered to bring snow of mountains to also refresh wines and some foods.
It is very difficultto establish as it is the origin of the ice cream, since the concept of the product has undergone successive modifications in the measurement of the technological advance, the generalization of itsconsumption and the exigencies of the consumers.
But in spite of all it we can fix a first landmark to the history of drinks frozen or cooled with snow or ice in the Babylonian cuts, before theChristian era. On the other hand, also one tells that the Emperor Romano Nerón cooled his fruit juices and their wines with brought snow or ice of mountains by his slaves. During the Average Age, in theArab cuts, products sweetened with fruits and fruits were prepared or juice of these cooled with snow (sherbets). Marco Polo in century XIII, when returning of his trips to the East, brought severaldessert prescriptions frozen used in China during hundreds of years, which were implanted with certain popularity in the Italian cuts. When marrying Catherine de Médicis with Enrique II of France, hercook took these primitive prescriptions of ice creams to the French cut, keeping the same ones in great secrecy. In France egg was added to prescriptions. A granddaughter of Catherine house with anEnglish prince, taking therefore the ice cream to England, to her cook also attributes the use of milk. This way they went away soon spreading these products in Europe, taking to America during the timeof the colonization. In 1660, the siciliano Francisco Procope opens an establishment in Paris, where it reached great fame with his ice creams. King Luis XIV took it presence to his to congratulateit by his product. It is possible to be considered to this establishment like first heladería existing. A great advance in this industry is the discovery of the crioscópico reduction (reduction of...
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