
Páginas: 7 (1746 palabras) Publicado: 26 de enero de 2015
present simple
The present tense is the base form of the verb: I work in London.
But the third person (she/he/it) adds an -s: She works in London.
We use the present tense to talk about:
• something that is true in the present:
I’m nineteen years old.
He lives in London.
I’m a student.
• something that happens again and again in the present:
I play football every weekend.
We use wordslike sometimes, often. always, and never (adverbs of frequency) with the present tense:
I sometimes go to the cinema.
She never plays football.
• something that is always true:
The adult human body contains 206 bones.
Light travels at almost 300,000 kilometres per second.

• something that is fixed in the future.
The school term starts next week.
The train leaves at 1945 this evening.We fly to Paris next week.

Questions and negatives
Look at these questions:
Do you play the piano?
Where do you live?
Does Jack play football?
Where does he come from?
Do Rita and Angela live in Manchester?
Where do they work?
• With the present tense, we use do and does to make questions. We use does for the third person (she/he/it) and we use do for the others.
We use do anddoes with question words like where, what and why:

But look at these questions with who:
Who lives in London?
Who plays football at the weekend?
Who works at Liverpool City Hospital?
Look at these sentences:
I like tennis, but I don’t like football. (don’t = do not)
I don’t live in London now.
I don’t play the piano, but I play the guitar.
They don’t work at the weekend.
Johndoesn’t live in Manchester. (doesn’t = does not)
Angela doesn’t drive to work. She goes by bus.
• With the present tense we use do and does to make negatives. We use does not (doesn’t) for the third person (she/he/it) and we use do not (don’t) for the others.

Gramática del presente continuo

La forma indicada de expresar una oración en presente continuo es la siguiente:

pronoun / name + tobe auxiliar + "-ing" verb + complement

Como se puede ver en la gramática anterior, en este tema cobra importancia el gerundio, es decir, la terminación "-ing" que da en español un significado de "ando", "endo" o "iendo" dependiendo del verbo. En el presente continuo es esencial conocer las reglas para formar el gerundio, estas reglas son relativas a la terminación del verbo y se resumen en lostres siguientes puntos:

1.- Regla general del gerundio:

Básicamente (y de forma generalizada) el gerundio se forma agregando la terminación "-ing" al verbo:

watch / watching (ver / viendo)
speak / speaking (hablar / hablando)
pay / paying (pagar / pagando)
eat / eating (comer / comiendo)
do / doing (hacer / haciendo)

2.- Verbosque terminan en letra “-e”
Verbos que terminen en la letra "-e" se les va a quitar esta letra y agregar terminación "-ing":
have / having (tener / teniendo)
write / writing (escribir / escribiendo)
dance / dancing (bailar / bailando)
drive / driving (conducir / conduciendo)
smile / smiling (sonreír / sonriendo)

3.- Casos específicos
Verbos en donde sedobla la consonante final y se agrega terminación "-ing" (casos concretos):
run / running (correr / corriendo)
swim / swimming (nadar / nadando)
stop / stopping (detener / deteniendo)
plan / planning (planear / planeando)

Conociendo estas reglas básicas del gerundio en ingles podemos avanzar a revisar la gramática del presente contnuo en oracionesafirmativas, negativas e interrogativas para los diversos pronombres personales.Oraciones afirmativas de presente continuo

1.- I am studying English
(Estoy estudiando ingles)

2.- She is checking her email
(Ella está revisando su correo electrónico)

3.- They are eating pizza
(Ellos están comiendo pizza)
4.- John is swimming now
(Juan está nadando ahora)...
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