
Páginas: 3 (522 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
Illness (sickness) produced by bacteria
According to Williams R. (Feb. 11, 2011). Bacteria diseases. Retrieved June 1st, 2012, from Illnessescaused by bacteria are bacteria diseases. Bacteria are microorganisms that are very tiny that only can be seen in a microscope .Bacteria are in everyplace some of them make diseases and other not.Some bacteria are helpful and necessary for a good health to them are referred as “good bacteria” or “healthy bacteria”. Harmful bacteria cause bacterial infection and diseases are called pathogenicbacteria. When pathogenic bacteria get in the body they begin to produce more bacteria’s that start to eat in your body and it make toxins that can damage your body.

Symptoms of bacteria diseases
Asymptom of bacteria diseases it depends of the type of bacterial infection, the part of the body is infected and other factors. Some of the factor that affect is the patient’s age and health history.Some symptoms resemble to the diseases like colitis, influenza and viral infection. The most common bacterial infection is the fever. But not all the people that have bacterial infection will have thesymptoms of fever. Some bacteria diseases are contagious it can make serious problem that can infect millions of people around the world. These infections can make life-threatening complication thatneeds very specific treatments to health person with the infection. Some examples of contagious bacteria diseases are blood poisoning (bacteremia), kidney failure and toxic shock syndrome. Base onWilliams R. (Feb. 11, 2011). Bacteria diseases. Retrieved June 1st, 2012, from

Causes of bacteria diseases
Most of the bacteria diseases arecaused by harmful bacteria (pathogenic bacteria). The bacterial diseases occur when harmful bacteria enter in our body by some places of the body like sterile and bladder but when it enter in places...
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