
Páginas: 6 (1464 palabras) Publicado: 9 de diciembre de 2012
The importance of reading.
Reading is the action of understanding symbols that are written and know their meaning.
People have the necessity to transmit their feelings, ways of thinking and their opinion about some things, so they need to communicate.
Communicating is a human necessity, and we all need to communicate, and because we have that necessity, the persons started to write, atfirst, they invented a code, that code is known as the language, and this code is different in every part of the world, then they started communicating in an oral way, but later, they invented symbols and wrote them, and those symbols had a meaning, that way writing was invented, and after that they started to write their feelings, ways of thinking, etc. When people write, they do it with an intention,for example sharing information, express, tell others how things should work out, etc.
For example, the scientific texts. Those text are written with the purpose that the information can arrive to many people and those people can get the knowledge.
Or the novels, they are written with the purpose of entertaining.
In Mexico there are 5.5 million people that are illiterate, that means thatthey cannot read and write, and that affects the entire country, so the government should improve the education to have a better nation and to feel proud about being Mexican.
In Mexico we are not used to read, and it’s hard for us, reading has many benefits and we are losing them because we don’t have the habit, some people find reading as a boring thing to do, but actually, they are wrong,because reading is a very interesting and healthy way to spend time. Reading keeps us away from using electric devices, that aren’t healthy and just steal us valuable time. reading make us think, for example, when we read we are using our brain and having mental processes, and when we watch television, we are only seeing something, but we are not thinking, that makes our mind slower.
Reading also getsus vocabulary, but in order to get this you need to do certain things, like when you read a word that you doesn´t understand you need to look for the meaning in a dictionary and that way the next time you read that word you are going to know its meaning and also you can use the word in your sentences. Reading also helps with orthography, because when you see a word it stays in your subconsciousand then the following time you write that word you are going to remember how it’s written correctly.
It also is useful to gain culture because you can get to know things about other countries that you didn´t knew before, you can learn about their traditions, their ways of thinking, their religion, their costumes, their ceremonies, their history, their leaders, their rituals, etc. The othercultures have many interesting things that are special and unique, and we can get to know some of them by reading.
Reading books also can give us more interesting topics to talk about or to write about. You can be an interesting person to talk to if you read, because you get more information and culture, for example, you read a text or book about Japan and its costumes and get information, and thenext time someone brings up japan as a conversation topic, you are going to be able to talk about it because you know information that you got when you read. This way your conversation will be funny and entertaining, you can also bring up conversations about books, what books you like, which author you recommend, and many things related to books, its content and its writers.
Reading also is anexcellent way to keep you concentrated, because we always have a hard time concentrating and we usually don’t do it, we get distracted even if a fly passes. Concentration is necessary in many aspects in life, like if we have an important test, we need to be totally focused in order to get a better grade, so, if we get the habit of reading, we will be practicing our concentration, and when we have...
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