Importancia De La Logistica

Páginas: 3 (690 palabras) Publicado: 3 de abril de 2012

Today's global market demands global action, for this, the medium and the small business needto understand how competitive are in the international business, because this companies must to explore other opportunities and try to get new costumers, the managers of this companies need to knowabout the big advantages that they have if theirs products or services are step up in other countries not only in theirs local nation, like Increase sales and profits, Gain global market share, Reducedependence on existing markets and suppliers, Extend the sales potential of existing products with relatively low development costs.
In order to participate in global trade, your business will needto incur in additional costs, such as developing new promotional material, traveling to foreign locations, understanding previously the new culture that you want to, their language and currency ,modifying your product to meet the needs of a new market, and shipping overseas.
But for export a product in the foreign country is important to know about the best way to do the process to exportsuch as documents, contracts, taxes, tariff and quotes, everything that its necessary when we are interesting in doing business with another country, to achieving adequate logistics and planning of theexport process.
As we heard in the video the logistic is the connection between the small and medium companies with the whole world, because now the technologic helps the people or the companies todoing more easily the business, for example now we can find more transportation to send products safety to an another country.

With the last introduction, we can give the definition about what islogistics; is the Coordination of projected requirement, procurement, physical movement, and storage of components, parts, raw materials, and semi-finished and finished goods, to achieve optimum...
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