Industrial Revo

Páginas: 2 (340 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2012
Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution marked a major turning point in history, almost every aspect of our daily life is influenced in some way. To get to the industrial revolution therewere a lot of factors influence them such us the increment ion of faming activity. The industrial revolutions also lead to increment ion of the population. With these new industries working together thepolitical and economic situation of the countries had more stability, making it the perfect point to start.
The industrial revolution was possible only because of some external factors help itdevelop and innovate in some things. One of the factors that made it possible was the agricultural revolutions that literally pave its way to the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was begunin England because they had a lot of natural resources that make them capable of processing them. Another factor that makes this revolution possible was the beginning of new inventions that make thework of the people easier, like for example in the clothing industry. The last factor that helps the industrial revolution to start up is the improvements in transportation such as the implementationof Steam-Driven Locomotives.
With the industrialization also came the job seekers, people who lived in the country side but knowing that is the city there is job they migrate. With these new peoplecoming to the cities the urbanization begins. The thing was that with this growing population the entrepreneurs decided that they needed to keep their factories working for more and more time at theend the workers ended-up working 14 hours a day 6 days a week; lowering their conditions making them really bad. The different social classes and its different conditions began to create tensionsbetween them.
With the changes that the industrial revolution came with also came political and economic ideas. The capitalism was introduce to the world thanks to the industrial revolution for...
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