Infinitivos y gerundios inglés

Páginas: 7 (1746 palabras) Publicado: 15 de enero de 2012


In English language, there are lists of verbs that may be followed either by an infinitive or a gerund form of the verb. Besides, there are others that are followed by both, gerund and infinitive form. Which one should you use? It depends on the structure of the sentence and the attitude of speaker. Let’s see more deeply. Study these examples: I pretend to besad. She enjoys dancing. I was so happy to see you. Crying is a natural reaction. I phoned her (in order) to cheer her up. He’s good at listening to people.

Form: verb ended in –ing. Example: reading, studying, running, etc. A.1.1) As a subject: to talk in general terms. (acciones o hechos en general) a. Reading is my favourite hobby. b. Buying a flat is hard thesedays. c. Swimming is good exercise for nearly all oth the muscles in your body. d. Taking up a new sport is not easy. (Empezar un nuevo deporte no es fácil). A.1.2) As an object: a. Pili doesn’t like his way of playing. (A Pili no le gusta la forma de bailar). 3. After prepositions: a. b. c. d. e. f. Mary’s good at cooking but she’s terrible at cleaning the house! Josh gave up eating sweetsbecause they were ruining his teeth. I’m exhausted. I’m not used to getting up so early. (used to) Jenny’s really looking forward to going to London with her school at Easter. I’m getting used to going to bed later. (get used to) Pili never travels by plane because she’s scared of flying.

4. After certain verbs or expressions:

Enjoy continue hate avoid miss recommend suggest (don’t) mind lookforward to
a. b. c. d.

dislike like love fancy (apetecer) involve feel like prefer (except ‘prefer to go’) can’t help can’t stand be used to get used to

My father enjoys shopping for shoes. Richard can’t stand washing up and tidying but he doesn’t mind ironing. Judith avoids talking to me after school. I keep losing my keys.

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1. Remember: 1.a) Remember + gerund: recordar haber hecho algo, acción pasada. I remember phoning him two days ago = recuerdo haberlo llamado hace 2 días. I remember living them their tickets = recuerdo haberles dado sus entradas. 1.b.) Remember + to-infinitive = acordarse de hacer algo…. ; acción futura. Remember to takethese papers to the lesson = acuérdate de llevar estos papeles a la clase. I promise, I remember to phone him = te lo prometo, me acordaré de llamarlo. Remember to close the door before you go = recuerda cerrar la puerta antes de irte.

2. Forget: 2.a) Forget + to- infinitive: olvidarse de hacer algo. He always forgets to bring the keys. = el siempre se olvida de traer las llaves. I forgot tobuy the milk = me olvidé de comprar leche. 2.b) Forget + gerund: se emplea en frases negativas para indicar la imposibilidad de olvidar algo ocurrido en el pasado. I will never forget meeting you at Louvre. It was the best of my life! = Nunca olvidaré haberte conocido en el Louvre. ¡Fue lo mejor de mi vida! 3. Regret: 3.a) Regret + gerund = lamento haber hecho algo, acción pasada. I regret insultingyou, I was very nervous. = Lamento haberte insultado, estaba muy nervioso. He regrets leaving school at 16. = Él se arrepiente/ lamenta haber dejado el colegio a los 16. 3.b) Regret + to- infinitive: lamentar lo que se va a decir a continuación. I regret to tell you that you have failed the exam. =siento decirte que has suspendido el examen. I regret to tell you that I have to leave this job.=Lamento decirte que tengo que dejar este trabajo. 4. Forget: 4.a) Stop + gerund: dejar un hábito. Pili stopped eating unhealthy food last Monday. 4.b) Stop + to – infinitive: dejar de hacer algo para hacer otra cosa. Can we stop to have a coffee? = ¿podemos parar para tomar un café? We are going to stop to watch the TV. = vamos a parar para ver la televisión.

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