
Páginas: 3 (518 palabras) Publicado: 28 de agosto de 2010
Coral Ojeda 4119 ‘CARRY ON SMOKING’: PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISING STRATEGIES OF AMERICAN AND BRITISH TOBACCO COMPANIES SINCE 1950 Tobacco is one of the most popular products in today‟s market,but in order to be universally known, the government has taken a step in the right direction by reducing the ways that the industry can advertise tobacco, through the years. What is it that makes atobacco-user keep on buying the product? One of the most perfect addictive products ever devised.
“„I‟ll tell you why I like the cigarette business,‟ the investor Warren Buffett once remarked. „It costsa penny to make. Sell it for a dollar. It‟s addictive. And there,‟s fantastic brand loyalty” (Courtwright 2005, 421).

“There is no group more adept at rationalisation and self-deception thanaddicts” (Courtwright 2005, 426), this doubt led to continued cigarette consumption. “Public relations efforts cannot determine what people think. They can, however, influence what people think about, andthe extent to which they perceive issues to be two-sided” (Courtwright 2005, 425). As an example, when a smoker saw the title Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer, communicates a mortal danger concept,but when the smoker who saw Cigarettes= Lung Cancer?, has two frames and he could think that perhaps is nothing going there, so the key was inserting the question mark (Courtwright 2005, 425). Althoughthe relationship between smoking and cancer was controversial in 1955, the cigarette sales raised. The Tobacco companies started using different public relations and advertising strategies since thegovernment has reducing the ways that the industry can advertise tobacco, increasing taxes and other regulations. First, they “understood that recruiting new teenage smokers meant presenting theircigarettes as a means of resolving their psychological quandaries and social anxieties” (Courtwright 2005, 427), as a replace to those who died or quit. They made perfect targets; “they loaded up the...
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