Ingenieria En Computo

Páginas: 2 (329 palabras) Publicado: 21 de enero de 2013
In November 5th, 2008 I invited my friend for diner in the same luxury restaurant of New York that we use to diner. I ordered a red wine and a smoked salmon. Obama andFrederick decided to diner the same but instead of red wine they chose a champagne bottle. King ordered the special of the house and a dry martini. After a while I asked Obamaif the war in Iraq was already ended or when the dateline will be set during this year. Then the waiter arrives and serves the drinks. He answers. - Well, now at this timeeverything is set up and American troops should be in their homes in the end of the year of 2011. King says. - Why it takes so long? Obama answers “Because Americanstroops are supporting their government to avoid terrorism. Obama also commented about his last interview with Google. He seemed to be amazed of what they told them. Obama talkedall night about how technology had changed the word and government was just another company that just wants to be a survivor one. In the end of his interview he said thathe will be engaged with his comrades to make sure that every corner of the country have internet so everybody can access to this type of technology. Finally the waiterarrives and serves the meals. “Delicious” Frederic says. So, what are you all guys are going to do this weekend, I asked. Obama said that he will go to a park and spend theweek with his family having fun. For me as a retired I have time to double check the Google idea so maybe I would learn something. Frederic said that he is busy in his newbook that it´s about to release. Martin Luther king Jr. said that he will have to be in a speech meeting on Spain so they may learn new ideas from him. Well, I have to go home
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