Ingles Basico

Páginas: 3 (673 palabras) Publicado: 6 de diciembre de 2012

A: A is a man who has dark brown hair, black eyes, He is of average height and , and he has a mustache, He is wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

B: B is a woman of average height. She has brownhair and green eyes. She looks old, and wears a jacket and a skirt.She is thin, and has curly hair.

C: C is a very short man. He is heavy, bald, wears glasses. He has blue eyes, a beard andmustache, and he wears a t-shirt and jeans.


1. got married
2. finished
3. Have you seen
4. I have just finished
5. wasn't
6. watched
7. have played
8. went
9. Esta wea esta mala. Nunca seocupa el verbo "visit" mas la preposicion "to". No se que wea poner, pq esta malo. preguntale a la profe
10. saw


1. the most interesting
2. faster
3. longer - longest
4. de nuevo, nose usa la preposicion "a" antes de un comparativo o superlativo, a menos que se este usando como sustantivo. Por eso, coloca "a little bit YOUNGER"
5. most expensive
6. heavier - heaviest
8. drier


You can do many things when visiting Chile. You can go to the desert, go to the south, go to the beach, go to the mountain... etc. You should definitely see the Andes. InSantiago, you can see it just by looking east. If you go to the north of Chile, you should see the Atacama desert, the Moon Valley, the Elqui Valley. There are also some beautiful beaches in the north ofChile.
If you go to the south of chile, you can see many volcanoes and lakes and rivers.. You should see the virgin woods. 


I have worked a lot, and i have studied a lot. I haven't hadmuch time lately, so i haven't gone to the movies. I went to a concert a couple of weeks ago. I haven't gone to one in a long time. I have been eating healthy lately. 


The best home remedy forinsomnia would be to relax before going to sleep. 
A good home remedy for colds is just drinking a lot of water and resting as much as possible. 
A home remedy for stomachache is to drink some...
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