Ingles Juridico 1º Parcial Ubp

Páginas: 5 (1041 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2012
A - Lea la siguiente noticia y marque las transparencias (palabras parecidas al castellano).
Last updated at 14:31 BST, Friday, 23 October 2009
Silent phone calls
When you pick up a ringing phone and hear silence at the other end, it can be frightening. However, most of these calls are made not by villains but by computers at call centres. Now in the UK such centrescould be fined up to £2m for causing distress.
It's an annoying thing many households have to tolerate - answering the phone to find nobody on the other end of the line. They are often from a company's call centre which uses automatic dialling in the hope of selling you something. But if there aren't enough staff on hand to speak, the call into your home stays silent.
Industry regulator,Ofcom, says it's a breach of their guidelines for businesses who make persistent unwanted phone calls. And now those caughtbreaking the law could face fines of £2m.
David Hickson, campaigner: 'We don't know how much ofa deterrent it will be. The point is that the action point of Ofcom should be to stop people from making silent calls, not just to penalise them.'
Despite previous attempts tosolvethis, almost half of the UK still receives silent phone calls. So officials will hope the threat of a bigger fine can help eradicate it.
B - Subraye el núcleo de las siguientes frases sustantivas y luego marque la mejor traducción.
( 10 pts.)
1/ AN ANNOYING THING: a- un objeto molesto, b- algo incómodo
2/ AUTOMATIC DIALLING: a- discando automático, b- discado automático.
3/PERSISTENT UNWANTED PHONE CALLS: a- persistentes llamadas telefónicas no deseadas, b- llamadas telefónica buscadas permanentemente
4/ A DETERRENT: a- un elemento disuasivo, b- un detonante
5/ A BREACH OF THEIR GUIDELINES: a- un incumplimiento de sus directivas, b- un cumplimiento de sus directivas
C- Subraye el sufijo y/o prefijo e indique cuáles son las palabras en inglés de las que derivan. (2 x2 pts = 4 pts)

D- Escriba el PLURAL de las siguientes palabras (5 x 2 = 10 pts.)
PHONE Phones
COMPANY Companies
THREAT threats
INDUSTRY industries
BREACH breaches

E - Encuentre en el texto A dos oraciones con ejemplos de adjetivos posesivos y subráyelos. (10 pts.)

1- the call into your home stays silent.2-

F - ¿A qué hacen referncia los pronombres personales en los siguietnes casos? (10 pts.)

1- They are often from a company´s call centre A LOS LLAMADOS SILENCIOSOS

2- We don´t know how much of a deterrent it will be. A LAS MULTAS ESTABLECIDAS POR OFCOM

G. Lea el siguiente texto y luego realice la actividad propuesta a continuación. Texto B

The separation of powers(or trias politica, a term coined by French political thinker Montesquieu) is a model for the governance of the state. This same principle is applied in non-political realms under the term separation of duties. Montesquieu proposed division of political power between an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. Under this model, each branch has separate and independent powers and areas ofresponsibility; however, each branch is also able to place limits on the power exerted by the other branches.
Executive In politics, a person or persons constituting the branch of government charged with executing or carrying out the laws and appointing officials, formulating and instituting foreign policy, and providing diplomatic representation.
Legislature Lawmaking branch of a government.Before the advent of legislatures, the law was dictated by monarchs. Early European legislatures include the English Parliament. Legislatures may be unicameral or bicameral.
Judiciary The judiciary is the body of judges in a constitutional system. The powers and role of the judiciary varies from country to country.
H. Conteste en castellano y de manera completa las siguientes preguntas referidas...
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