Ingles Parrafo

Páginas: 2 (370 palabras) Publicado: 4 de enero de 2013
Why Should Parents Set Limits on their Kids?

Nowadays children are oblivious to the notions of respect and responsibility. On the one hand, they neither obey their parents' rules nor follow theiradvice. On the other hand, they are not seriously committed to anything and they refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. These same kids will be the future adults, but will be unable toplay their role as responsible citizens and heads of families if they are not given strong values in their childhood. Parents who think children should undergo their own experiences and learn completelyby themselves do not realize that this belief poses a significant risk to the balance of society if taken too far. It is crucial, thus, that parents set limits to their children in order to helpthem become respectful and responsible men and women in the future.
In the first place, parents who put limits to their kids help them distinguish right from wrong. Society is organized around a set ofrules that tells people what can and cannot be done. If children lack limits, they may fail to acknowledge the importance of such rules. Neglect gives way to alienation from the values of one`ssociety, which in turn may lead children to become selfish and prone to curtail other people`s freedom. Through limits, parents will be fostering moral values that will teach their children to respectthemselves and respect people around them.
In the second place, parents who set limits on their children teach them how to be responsible. There is a time for everything and children cannot do whateverthey want whenever they want it. In order to achieve their ultimate goals in life each member of any society has to perform several tasks in the different stages of their lives. Such tasks serve as aguide to what is expected of each member in terms of individual and social behavior. Children are usually unaware of the importance of such tasks for their future. As a result, it is parents` job...
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