
Páginas: 3 (667 palabras) Publicado: 16 de octubre de 2011
Hi everybody this is misterduncan in England
How are you today?
Are you OK? … I hop so!
Are you? Happy? I hop so
In today’s lesson, we’re going to talk all aboutsaying…
Hello and goodbye
When we first meet someone…
Whether it is a person we know
Or someone we are meeting for the first time,
We will normally use a simple sentence as a way of greetingthem
A greeting is a friendly way of opening a conversation, or as a way of letting the other person know that we have seen them.
There are many ways to say hello.
We sometimes use a doublegreeting…. Hello there……. What’s up?

Parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say goodnight, till it be morrow
That’s Shakespeare, that is
* Saying goodbye
* Bye for now
* See ya* So long
* Cheerio
* See you around
* Farewell

You know the world of English is a fun and exciting place
We’re so glad you could join us for anotherlesson
Hi everybody
We will look at two actions, which many of us do, although maybe not as often as we should
Today we will talk about saying
Please and thank you
We usually say please whenasking for something, or as a polite ( nice) way of saying yes to an offer
Ejemplo pease can I watch some tv?
Can I please go out to play?
May I please leave the room?
* Uplifted
* Chuffed
* Gladdened
* Overjoyed
* Over the moon

The action of saying thank you is seen as the most polite way of showing how grateful you are for receiving something oras way of acknowledging an action kindness
We say thank you to show our apprection
By saying thank you you
* Show your gratitude
* You express your appreciation

There are many waysto say thank you
* Thank you very much
* Thanks a lot
* Thank you so much
* Thanks a bundle
* You are too kind
* I’m overwhelmed thank you so much
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas