
Páginas: 3 (537 palabras) Publicado: 14 de abril de 2012

Page 100

I. Read the first part of the story and find the answers to these questions
1.- Where does the story take place?
The story takes place in Michigan, near the lake
2.-What time of year was it?
It was summer
3.- How old was the little girl?
She was about 9 years old
4.- What did she have around her neck?
She had a gold necklace

II. Read the second partand write true or false
1.- Katrina was Haley´s sister True
2.- Katrina was 14 False
3.- Katrina was a very good swimmer (nadadora) False
4.- The lake was very dangerous True
5.- Katrinaneeded help True

Page 101
III. Read the third part of the story and put the events in the oreder by numbering them
7, 1, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2

IV. Listen to and complete the last part of the storyThank you
2. Don`t
3. Should
4 Don`t have
5. Two years ago
6. 9 years old
7. Looked at
8. Neck
9. Her name
10. In this lake

V. Guess the meaning of these words
True: VerdaderoArtist: Artista
Boat: Bote
Fishing: Pescar
Paint a picture: Pintar un cuadro
Drown: Ahogar
Cry: Llorar
Die: Morir

VI. Write the rest of the conversation between Bill and Katrina….Bill: But Haley came to my house an hour ago
Katrina: What do you mean?
Bill: I was painting and a girl apaired
Katrina: What do you mean by appeared?
Bill: I was alone at home and suddenly agirl showed up
Katrina: How id that possible?
Bill: I think she is always looking at you
Katrina: Yes, I guess so

Page 102
I. Put the sentences in order by numbering them 1 to 6
3, 1, 5, 6,4, 2

II. Write the phrases in the ballons (Globos)

a) It`s ten in the morning why are you late getting home?
b) The water´s a bit warm, but I don`t care. I`m going swimming anywayc) Oh, I see
d) Of course I don`t I was only jocking (bromeando)
e) That`s why she is always late for school

Page 103
I. Write the words next to the clues
2.- Ears 4.- mouth...
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