
Páginas: 10 (2422 palabras) Publicado: 16 de noviembre de 2012
College: CSD municipal
English class
4to bachillerato en computación


Date: 12/11/2012

Study subject

* The Sentence
* 3 important parts of a simple sentence ( subject, predicate, verb)
* Kinds of sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory)
* Compound sentences
* Conjunction
* Noun
* Types of nouns(common, proper, collective, possessive and compound)
* Forming the plural of nouns

Practical work
Part 1: Investigate each one of the study subjects.

Sentence: a sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought starts whit a capital letter and end whit a point.

Parts of a simple sentence:
Subject: The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about.
Predicate: The predicateidentifies and describes the action of the sentence.
Verb: A verb is a kind of word (see part of speech) that usually tells about an action or a state and is the main part of a sentence.
Kind of sentences:
Declarative: is a sentence that makes a statement or “declares” something.
Interrogative: is a sentence that asks a question.
Imperative: is a sentence that clearly states a command ororder toward another person or an animal.
Exclamatory: are the sentences that attempt to powerful feelings, or emotions.
Compound sentence:
Compound sentence: is a sentence composed of two or more coordinate clauses.
Conjunction: Conjunctions are words that join two parts of a sentence.
Noun is: is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.Types of noun:
Common: are general words for any people, places and things while proper nouns are specific names of individual people, places, things, or a title.
Proper: is a noun that is the name of a specific individual, place, or object.
Collective: is a noun that refers to a group of entities that may be considered either as individuals or as one larger entity.
Possessive: A show thatsomething in the sentence belongs to that noun; this is indicated by an apostrophe s added to the end of the word.
Compound: is a noun that is made up of two or more words.
Forming plurals:
Rule 1: most nouns become plural by adding the letter ´s
Rule 2: words ending in s, x, sh, ch, z adds “ES”
Rule 3: if a noun ends in “y” end is precede by a consonant changes the “y” into “I” and add “ES”.Rule 4: if a noun end in “o” and is preceded by a consonant add “ES”
Rule 5: if a noun end into “o” and is preceded a vowel add “´s”.
Rule 6: noun ending in “f” or “fe” change the “f” or “fe” to “v” add “ES”
Rule 7: irregular plural noun.
Rule 8: noun always in plural form: clothes, scissors, pants.
Rule 9: plural form with singular meaning.
Rule 10: Small numbers of nouns have identicalsingular & plural: deer, moose, sheep, and swine.

Part 2:
25 declarative sentences:
1. My brother plays soccer.
2. I have two dogs in my house.
3. My teachers have a lot of books to read.
4. I talk with my ankle in United States.
5. Diego is running in the park.
6. Leo is writing in his note book.
7. Rodrigo is throwing the ball with his hand.
8. Javier iseating fresh meat.
9. Bryan read an interesting book.
10. Lucas is watching television at leaving room.
11. My mom is in my house.
12. I am 17teen year old.
13. My grandma is in Mexico at the beach.
14. Alex travel in a big airplane.
15. Gabriel´s dog eat too much food.
16. I’m working in my study guide.
17. My grandpa is using the computer.
18.Guido is a karate master.
19. Cindy is listen music in she´s phone.
20. Alejandra give me a candy.
21. Raquel works in a dress.
22. Julio is walking in the street with his friends.
23. Ingrid sews his tablecloth.
24. Gladys has a baby in her arms.
25. Junior goes to eat at calr´s Jr.

25 interrogative sentences:
1. How old are you?
2. How many...
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