
Páginas: 4 (842 palabras) Publicado: 14 de agosto de 2015

Infanticide is the practice of killing off springs at birth or soon after. As a method of population control, or control of family size, it has been employed on every continent and inevery type of culture from the primitive to the highly civilized. It was performed in a large scale in ancient Greece and Rome and in imperial China as a normal cultural practice. In Europe, it waswidespread until the later half of the 19th century. Not one factor explains infanticide in all of these societies. It is believed it has served to eliminate motherless infants, multiple births, andillegitimate and deformed children; besides, to space or help in the planning of children, to regulate future adult sex ratios, and to adjust family and community size to food resources, subsistencepatterns of the society, or nomadic conditions.
In most societies, the greater number of infants killed were females, with the effect not only of removing the immediate burden of a child with little or noeconomic value, but also of reducing the number of potential childbearers. In classical Greece, upper-class families rarely raised more than one daughter, which resulted in severe distortions of adultsex ratios. A few exceptions to the preference for female infanticide have been reported, such as the custom of the Rendille camel herders in Kenya of limiting heirs to the herd by killing all malesborn on certain days, and those born after the eldest brother who are then circumcised. Infanticide was sometimes preferred to abortion because it allowed sex selection and did not endanger the lifeof the mother.

1-traducir: Infanticidio:
El infanticidio es la práctica de asesinar en el nacimiento o poco después. Como método de control de la población , o el control del tamaño de lafamilia , que ha sido empleada en todos los continentes y en cada tipo de cultura desde lo primitivo a lo altamente civilizada. Se realizó en gran escala en la Antigua Grecia y Roma, y en el...
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