Inglés. unidad didáctica

Páginas: 4 (942 palabras) Publicado: 3 de mayo de 2011

Introduction …………………………………………………….… 1.

Aims ………………………………………………………….……..1.

Contents ……………………………………………………….……1.

Activities and methodology………………………………………..2.

Evaluation …………………………………………………….…….3.

Anex´s ……………………………………………………………....4.

Bibliography …………………………………………………...…… 5.


The aim of my session "Daily Routines" is to work routines thatwe all realize daily as well as the hourly and temporary expressions in English language.

The didactic unit is directed to pupils in the Third Cycle of Primary Education, especially for those inthe fourth course.

The duration of this didactic unit will be of two hours, although time is always something flexible in class since we have to take account aspects such as the students’difficulties, their achievements and so on.


General aims:

• To produce oral and written texts in English language, which are brief and simple, dealing with real or simulated communicativesituations.
• To use the English language orally in the classroom to communicate with others (Classmates / Classmates and teacher / teacher).
• To show a positive attitude towards a foreignlanguage, in this case English, its speakers and its culture.

Didactic aims:

• To express orally the daily routines.
• To produce brief written texts related to the daily routines usingthe English language.
• To understand simple dialogues and written texts dealing with the daily routines.
• To tell and write the hours in English language.



•Vocabulary: days of the week and verbs expressing actions related to the daily routines.
• Linguistic Structures: simple present, the hours.


• To understand simple oraland written messages in English language.
• To produce brief messages both oral and written using the English language.
• To take part in the communicative...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas