
Páginas: 2 (333 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2010
Although insomnia it is very irritating itself, the problems caused by this disease can be even more annoying. Since most adults have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at a given time intheir lives, the common symptom of this disorder, which is difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both; is not new at all. There are some others that people have to confront during notonly the sleeping time but also in their daily routines, like lack of concentration when working or studying, difficulty to memorize things, lose of coordination, irritability when socializingand fatigue among others. The reason for us to be affected by this disease is not very clear but it seems to be related with psychological or mental problems, nervousness, anxiety, the ingestionof coffee, nicotine, alcohol and drugs in an unhealthy way and stress. So, how we can keep insomnia away? Or which are the steps we should follow in order to getting it over?
One answer is tochange our negative thoughts into positive ones, happy people usually does not suffer this type of problems. Then, we have to find out the main cause, manage to control it and finallyeliminate it. Secondly, to rest during the day (having little naps in the afternoon) does not help us if we do not sleep very well at night. In order for us to sleep more, we should avoid naps. Third,being active seems to be a good strategy because you finish your day routine more tired. As another technique you can start to count imaginary animals, for example: the classical sheep over thefence. If the problem persists, visiting the doctor and taking some medicine it is also an option, but it is a double blade sword since patients tend to become addicts to this type of pills.Finally, if you prefer natural things you can try aromatherapy, herbal medicine or homeopathy. By concentrating on these simple solutions you can solve your insomnia or keep it away from you.
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