Instalación lamp en centos.

Páginas: 4 (787 palabras) Publicado: 26 de noviembre de 2010
Instalación LAMP en Centos.

Adjust /etc/hosts
Next we edit /etc/hosts. Make it look like this:
#vi /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require networkfunctionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost server1
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

Disable TheFirewall And SELinux
(You can skip this chapter if you have already disabled the firewall and SELinux at the end of the basic system installation (in the Setup Agent).)
I want to installISPConfig at the end of this tutorial which comes with its own firewall. That's why I disable the default CentOS firewall now. Of course, you are free to leave it on and configure it to your needs (but thenyou shouldn't use any other firewall later on as it will most probably interfere with the CentOS firewall).
SELinux is a security extension of CentOS that should provide extended security. In myopinion you don't need it to configure a secure system, and it usually causes more problems than advantages (think of it after you have done a week of trouble-shooting because some service wasn't workingas expected, and then you find out that everything was ok, only SELinux was causing the problem). Therefore I disable it, too (this is a must if you want to install ISPConfig later on).
Set both Security Level and SELinux to Disabled and hit OK:

Afterwards we must reboot the system:
#shutdown -r now
Install Some Software
First we import the GPG keysfor software packages:
#rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY*
Then we update our existing packages on the system:
#yum update
Now we install some software packages that are needed later on:#yum install fetchmail wget bzip2 unzip zip nmap openssl lynx fileutils ncftp gcc gcc-c++

MySQL (5.0)
To install MySQL, we do this:
#yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server
Then we create...
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