Internacionalización de empresas chilenas

Páginas: 6 (1409 palabras) Publicado: 30 de diciembre de 2010
Internationalisation of Chilean Companies; The case of the Chilean wine Industry

Christian Felzensztein
Lecturer on International Marketing Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile
MBA (UACh), MSc International Marketing, PhD©, University of Strathclyde, Uk PhD©

Taiwan, Taipei 2003

• • • • • • • • International Markets for Chilean Products ResearchObjectives The Chilean wine industry Research Methodology Main Results Strategic Recommendations Conclusions, Limitations and Contribution Comments and Questions

International Markets for Chilean products

The non-traditional Chilean exports[1], such as: fish oil, salmon, bottled wines, etc. have increased during the last 20 years, especially after the Government Promotion Program “ProChile” aswell as by the effort of private companies

[1] Traditional exports are: Mining (copper and iron), fresh fruit and fishmeal.

Research Objectives
• To investigate consumers´ perceptions of Chilean wines in the UK market, with special focus on those customers buying wine through specialist off-licence stores. To critically analyse Country of Origin (COO) effect of Chilean wines on UKconsumers´ wine selection To identify COO effect on consumers´ perceptions of quality and price among Chilean wines, in comparison with other selected old and new world wine producers To determine brand knowledge and awareness of Chilean wines in the UK market. To provide an approach to strategic recommendations for a generic marketing strategy in the UK market, as a tool to obtain a sustainablecompetitive advantage.

• •

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Latin America 11% Asia 6%

Others 1%


Europe 49%

Source: CHILEVID, 2001

• New importance of the European and Asian markets as new export destinations for Chilean wines replacing, in some manner, the traditional North American market • Chilean wines need to carry on a new learningprocess for achieving success in these markets, where learning cultural differences and marketing adaptations may be the keys for success.

Chilean wine export evolution (1988 - 2000)
600,000 Volume(M lt)- Value (MUS$) 500,000 400,000 1.5 300,000 1.0 200,000 100,000 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 0.5 2.5 2.0 Price (US$)

Year Volume (M lt.)
Source: CHILEVID,2001

Value (M US$)


• Ten years ago Chilean wine was unknown around the world. Today, it has a good position and it can be found in major stores of Europe • The reasons for this are price-quality relationship, health factors and the agro-climate conditions

“New world wines”
a competitive environment… “new world wines”: California, Australia, Chile, Argentina and SouthAfrica, have changed the rules of this traditional industry. New wine concepts, new varieties as well as new international marketing rules have been the principal strategic components in the changes of this game, which can be called the “new International wine industry”

Chilean wines in the UK market
Country of Origin for the main importe d wine in the UK by v alue (GBP mill.)
New Zealand Port ug al A rg ent ina Chile USA So ut h A f rica Sp ain Germany It aly A ust ralia France 0 100 200 300 400 V a l ue 1998 2000 500 600 700 800

Source: Author graph, based on Key Note report (2002) and O.I.V (2001)

Valdivieso “the Chilean passion” campaign in the UK media. FT 2002

Wine and Tourism as a joint promotional activity at the point of sale in the UK market

First Quenchoff-licence shops: offshops: “generic retailing campaign”, campaign” (poster). ). poster UK, June 2002

Development of Chilean wines brand in the UK market

“Concha y Toro”[1], a pioneer export winery, decided at the beginning of the year 2000 to open its own UK office in Oxford, in order to invest in brand building and co-ordinate a long-term marketing strategy. A market study of AC...
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