Iso 14001

Páginas: 13 (3203 palabras) Publicado: 31 de agosto de 2010
I S O 14 0 0 0 P r o g r a m m e

International Organization for Standardization


International Art & Technology Cooperation Organization

ISO Central Secretariat 1, rue de Varembé Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 733 34 30 Web

What is it ? Why is it so special ? Who created it ? What’s ISO’s involvement ?What’s the link with ISO 14000 ? Who supports it ? How does it work ? What exactly’s in the programme ? What results does it achieve ? What if we want to participate ?

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International Art & Technology Cooperation Organization

Tomigaya 1-39-2, Suite 104 Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 151-0063 Japan Tel. + 81 3 3467 6250 Fax + 81 3 3467 6277 E-mail japanese/kids/

ISBN 92-67-10388-1 © ISO, 2003-12/2 000 Printed by Imprimerie Genevoise, Switzerland

What’s the path forward ? Whom do we contact ?

The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme • develops environmental awareness among children and young people ; teaches them to implement environmental management based on the ISO 14000 approach in their homes and communities, and opens them to thevalue of networking with young people in other schools, communities and countries in order to bring the force of collective action to global environmental issues.
The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme


Twenty per cent of the world’s population is aged between 10 and 19. Clearly, what children and young people think and do about the environment today will influence the environment theylive in tomorrow. The environmental awareness they develop when they are young will shape the impact they make on the environment as adults. The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme begins by developing environmental awareness – but goes much further. What makes it special is that it nurtures
The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme

autonomous, “ environmentally mature ” children and young people who are confidentin their ability to act positively on the environment. They learn by their own experience that their actions can have a beneficial impact on the environment. In addition, they learn to network with children in other schools, communities and countries and so discover that collective action can be a force multiplier for resolving global environmental issues.

The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme wascreated by Prof. Takaya Kawabe and Ms. Miyuki Koyama, respectively President and Secretary-General of the Japanese non-profit, non-governmental organization ArTech which operates the programme. Prof. Kawabe explains : “ Following the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002, the United Nations announced plans to launch the ‘ Decade of Education for Sustainable Development ’for 2005-2015. It is evident that

the environmental education of children and young peoples is now one of the keys for the solution of global environmental problems and for achieving sustainable development.”

ArTech President Prof. Takaya Kawabe (right) and Secretary-General Ms. Miyuki Koyama (left).

The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme


allowing ArTech to use the ISO logo to demonstratethe organization’s support. • In October 2003, ISO signed a new MoU under which ISO Central Secretariat pledged active support by using its communication media to promote the programme, and by encouraging its dissemination worldwide • In October 2002, ISO signed a through ISO’s network of Memorandum of Understanding national standards institutes (MoU) with ArTech giving in 148 countries. permissionfor the use of its name in the title of The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme and

On 24 October 2003, ISO Secretary-General Alan Bryden (left) and ArTech President Prof. Takaya Kawabe (right) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Tokyo, Japan.


The Kids’ ISO 14000 Programme

ISO Secretary-General Alan Bryden commented : “Just about everyone is agreed on the need to ‘ do something ’...
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