Jack Welch

Páginas: 4 (1000 palabras) Publicado: 6 de octubre de 2012
Las claves de Jack Welch para ser contratado y promovido
 This characteristic means the ability to thrive on action and relish change. People with positive energy are generallyextroverted and optimistic. They make conversation and friends easily. They start the day with enthusiasm and usually end it that way too, rarely seeming to tire in the middle. They don't complainabout working hard; they love to work.

They also love to play. People with positive energy just love life

Read more: http://www.askmen.com/money/career_150/150_career.html#ixzz25vXroWnv
 Thesecond E: The ability to Energize others
 Positive energy is the ability to get other people revved up. People who energize can inspire their team to take on the impossible -- and enjoy the hell out ofdoing it. In fact, people would arm wrestle for the chance to work with them. Now, energizing others is not just about giving Patton-esque speeches. It takes a deep knowledge of your business andstrong persuasion skills to make a case that will galvanize others.

A great example of an energizer is Charlene Begley, who started with GE as a financial management trainee in 1988. After severalyears in various jobs, Charlene was selected to run GE's Six Sigma program in the transportation business. That's where her leadership really began to shine. Galvanized by her intensity, her team reallygot its Six Sigma program on the corporate radar screen.

It's hard to unpick Charlene's ability to energize because it's a brew of skills all mixed together. She is a great communicator who canclearly define objectives. She's dead serious about work, but she doesn't take herself too seriously. In fact, she has a good sense of humor and shares credit readily. Her attitude is always upbeat: Nomatter how hard the job, it can get done.

Charlene's ability to energize the Six Sigma team was one of the key characteristics that got her out of the pile and set her on GE's fast track. After...
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