Jit ii

Páginas: 2 (331 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2010


The text talks about the Just In Time production system which permits to order small quantities of products which willarrived the exact moment we need them, and the products do not need inspection or to be storage in a warehouse.

This system eliminates the salesman and the buyer and sometimes theproduction planner, because the suppliers are the ones who write their own purchase orders without the need of help.

But for many people this idea is not so good, because they think thatthe suppliers can abuse of this relationship with the company. But in order to avoid this kind of problems, we have to choose excellent suppliers.

And important advantage of thissystem is that our company can work together with the suppliers in the design process of new products, because they know the best way to sell them.

We can implement this system in anykind of company who offer commodities, but we have to remember that even if this system is very helpful, we do not must permit that our suppliers take the control of our company.PERSONAL OPINION

I think that is a very helpful system because in this way we do not spend more material that what is needed. We do not have to think in the problems of storing theproducts that we cannot sell.

Another important advantage is that the companies do not have delays in the products production, because they just make the quantities the customers need. Thisis a good way to have clients, because if they buy just what they need in a specific moment, in the future they will buy you more products.

It is a good idea to have a goodrelationship with our suppliers, but like the text says, he have to be very careful of what kind of suppliers enter to our company, because they are the ones who will be working closely with us.
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