
Páginas: 2 (442 palabras) Publicado: 6 de abril de 2012

The narrator is a character created by the author with a mission to tell the story. There are different types of narrator as the information available to tell the story and point of viewit takes. 
Kinds of narrator:
3 rd Person 
NARRATOR OMNISCIENTTE (all knowing). The omniscient narrator is one whose knowledge of the facts is total and absolute. Know what the characters think andfeel: your emotions, feelings, intentions, plans ...
Narrator observer. Just consider what can be observed. The narrator shows what you see, so much as it does a film camera. 
1 st Person NARRATOR protagonist. The narrator is also the protagonist of the story (real or fictional autobiography).
NARRATOR secondary characters. The narrator is a witness who has seen the development of thefacts. 
2nd person 
The narrator SPEAKS IN 2ND PERSON. Creates the effect be telling the story to yourself or a self split. 
Narrator witness 
The narrator witness is included in the narrative but inthis case is not part of it has only what he sees.Narrated in first person and third actions of other characters also always included within the narrative but only as an observer. 
Narrator equisciente Meet the same as the protagonist of the history. The plot centers on a protagonist, and covers only that what the character is involved. But the protagonist is the narrator. Is aware of thethoughts, feelings and memories of the protagonist, but not the other characters. 
Narrator poor 
The narrator poor unless the player knows about the story. Record only what can be seen and heard, withoutpenetrating the minds of any of the characters. For this reason this type of narrator may also receive objective narrator's name, it does not include any subjectivity in the narrative. 

Point ofview
In addition to this classification there is the analysis of the focus of narrative text that tells us who it is who sees or perceives what is narrated, the specific way that takes the narrator...
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