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Páginas: 9 (2036 palabras) Publicado: 25 de abril de 2012

Removing Active Directory Rights Management Services Step-by-Step Guide

Microsoft Corporation
Published: March 2008
Author: Brian Lich
Editor: Carolyn Eller

This step-by-step guide provides instructions for modifying a test environment to decommission and remove Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) within your organization.
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Decommissioning Active Directory Rights Management Services Step-by-Step Guide 5
About This Guide 5
What This Guide Does Not Provide 5
Deploying AD RMS in a Test Environment 5Step 1: Decommission AD RMS Root Cluster 7
Enable the decommissioning service 7
Set permission on the decommissioning pipeline 8
Configure the AD RMS-enabled application to use the decommissioning pipeline 9

Step 2: Verifying AD RMS Functionality 9
Decommissioning Active Directory Rights Management Services Step-by-Step Guide

About This Guide

This step-by-step walks you throughthe process of decommissioning Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) in your organization. Removing AD RMS requires that all rights-protected content that you want to be able to use be decrypted before all servers are removed from the AD RMS cluster.
Once complete, you can use the test lab environment to learn about AD RMS decommissioning on Windows Server® 2008 and assess howit might be deployed in your organization.
As you complete the steps in this guide, you will:
• Decommission an AD RMS cluster.
• Verify the removal of AD RMS functionality after you complete the configuration.
This guide assumes that you previously completed the steps in the Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management Services Step-by-Step Guide(http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=72134), and that you have already deployed the following components:
• An AD RMS server
• An AD RMS database server
• One AD RMS-enabled client
• One Active Directory domain controller

What This Guide Does Not Provide

This guide does not provide the following:
• An overview of AD RMS. For more information about the advantages that AD RMS can bring to your organization, see...
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