Kim- Literatura Americana Post Colonial

Páginas: 3 (725 palabras) Publicado: 20 de abril de 2011
"Every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate" Edward W. Said. I consider thisbook strongly identified with this statement, because although Kipling certify that the Indians were governed by the imperialists practices of the English, he never described "Imperialism” as anincorrect way of governing, instead, he explains how the British regimen were trying to convey valuable aspect to the Indians.
In my opinion, the novel written by Rudyard Kipling, Kim, is a masterpiece thathighlights imperialism. In this case, England, a strong nation, imposed on a weaker nation, India, and had dominated it in every way. While reading the book a lot of unpleasant statements about Indiaor its habitants were easily identifiable. Although Indians were very hospital and spiritual throughout the book, Kipling refers to them in a negative way. He described them as liars, cheaters, lazy,people who do not take things seriously, and many other unkind features. Moreover, Kipling refers to the English as strong, males, workers and any positive characteristic that we could imagine.
Itcan be strongly affirmed that Kipling never criticizes the British in his novel. He always talked about the rulers as if they were doing the right thing to do; even they were getting and ruling aforeign territory, which didn’t belong to them. On the contrary, he thought that whatever was occurring to the Indians was acceptable and that it was destined to happen. This is why he never wrote aconflict between the colonizers and the colonized.
In several occasions we could realize that the English treated the Indians as instruments. The rulers wanted that the Indians didn’t have an excellenteducation because they wanted to be at better positions in the government. But they want them to get the essential education just to enable them to fulfill their mission.
Another reason why this...
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