La identidad de la salsa en cali

Páginas: 5 (1020 palabras) Publicado: 31 de agosto de 2010
La Identidad de Cali es la Salsa


Los ritmos afro americanos nacieron como única forma de expresar el dolor que sentían los negros al ser desarraigados de sus ancestros y trasladados a las tierras americanas para ser sometidos a la esclavitud. Esa herencia de ritmos como el Son o el Huahuanco que nacieron como un lamento hicieron su evolución en New York, llegados de Cuba,Puerto Rico y otras islas caribeñas donde los esclavos dejaron su sangre, la misma que llegó a Colombia por la Costa Caribe, por Cartagena y Palenque y por la Costa Pacífica desde el Chocó hasta Tumaco. Cali recibió todo la influencia de negro del Pacífico y la influencia de las grandes orquestas.

The rhythms of African Americans were born as the only way to express the pain felt by Blacks to beuprooted from their ancestral lands and moved to American to be subjected to slavery. That legacy of rhythms like El Son or Huahuanco born as a lament made its evolution in New York, arrived from Cuba, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands where the slaves left their blood, which arrived in Colombia on the Caribbean Coast in Cartagena and Palenque and the Pacific Coast from Tumaco to Choco. Calireceived all of the black influence in the Pacific and the influence of large orchestras.


La evolución de los ritmos va de la mano de la evolución humana, arquitectónica y social de la comunidad caleña. La influencia de tantos ritmos hace de la gente caleña un ser dotado de características especiales para que la salsa forme parte de su cultura y su forma de ser que se relaciona con sualegría y espontaneidad no aquellos ritmo como El “perreo”, que inicialmente fue considerado una moda efímera, se extendió hasta convertirse en una fiebre que invade las discotecas, especialmente en los conos de la ciudad.

Los orígenes afro Colombianos en su mutación conmovieron al Valle, pero en especial a Cali, hoy esas manifestaciones autóctonas se reducen a pequeños reductos que seesfuerzan en mantener vivos sus orígenes, sus costumbres y sus manifestaciones culturales, pero lo hacen acorralados en algunos rincones de su natal Pacífico.

The changing rhythms go hand in hand with human evolution, architectural and social development of the community of Cali. The influence of many rhythms of the people of Cali makes them special being a big help for the Salsa making the Salsa bepart of their culture associated with happiness and spontaneity not like El Perreo, initially considered an odd fashion, it was like a disease take it into a fever that invades the discos.

The origins Afro Colombianos moved to the Valle, but especially to Cali, today these expressions are reduced to small local pockets that are struggling to keep alive their origins, customs and cultural events,but they do it in small places located them in their own Pacific.

Cali had its brilliant time as lovers of Salsa due to not having an own rhythm, folklore, which is not happening in other regions such as the Colombian Andes, the Atlantic Coast or the eastern plains. The Feria of Cali in 1957, was the greatest festival of Colombia and the rest of the country attributed to the people of Calisalsómanos of the adjective and it recognized the fame of good dancers.

Cali today is not the capital of salsa anymore, the generational evolution opens space and try to impose additional foreign rhythms that take the salsa to increase their love for salsa and poor people still dance, because their generation is closer their origins. The city is not salsómana, these salseros are people who stilllive and breathe the nostalgia of the wonderful years of that time.

The greatest orchestras of salsa made from Cali what they themselves called the World Capital of Salsa, the hot weather, cool nights and sparking the city of Cali was ideal because the pace is a tropical salsa, for the people of that generation that started the Pachanga dance, dance was a cultural representation that is...
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