La mujer del juez

Páginas: 23 (5628 palabras) Publicado: 5 de septiembre de 2012
I. Christianity and Culture
a. Historical Connection
i. Christianity is propagated by other Christians (i.e., historical figures)
ii. Christians in various places discern historical continuity
b. Common Attributes
iii. Ultimate significance of JC
iv. Institutional elements
1. Sacred writings
2. Bread, wine, waterc. Historical consciousness (how we’re related to the past)
v. The “Indigenizing Principle”
3. Christians are the product of their culture
4. Christianity adapts to its particular context
5. There is NOT a universal culture
vi. The “Pilgrim Principle”
6. Christians are meant to be transformed
7. Inevitableelements of a culture will clash with Christianity
8. Christianity is never at home in a culture
II. Thinking Historically
d. Historical Fallacies
vii. Anachronistic Fallacy
9. Expecting historical figures to act and think as we would
viii. Relativizing Fallacy
10. Dismissing any type of behavior because of the context
III.Christian Backgrounds
e. Judaism
ix. Seleucid Rule and attempted Hellenization
11. Persians led by Cyrus, conquer Babylon 539
12. Ends Babylon exile
13. Cyrus referred to as the “Lord’s Annointed”
14. 322 BCE, Alexander conquered by Persians
15. Seleucids control Palestine
16. Antiochus IV Epiphanesa. “God manifest”
b. Aggressive Hellenization
i. Appointed the high priest
ii. All must follow commong law, customs, and religions
iii. Prohibited Sabbath observance
iv. Possession of Torah punishable by execution
x. 168 BCE: desecration of the Temple
17. Statue of Zeus18. Abomination of desolation
xi. Maccabean Revolt, 167 BCE
19. Matthias: the initial spark
c. Kills Hellenized Jew which sparks a revolt
20. Judas Maccabee
d. Fought to preserve Jewish identity
e. Enables a degree of autonomy until 70 CE
xii. Diaspora Judaism (Dispersion)
f. Dual identity (Greek and Hebrew)
v. Helps Judaism because all have common language and heritage
22. Septuagint (LXX), 3rd Century BCE – 1st century CE
g. Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible
h. Precedent for Christianity
23. Synagogue and Torah
i. Synagogue acts as a templej. Helps educate about Christianity
xiii. 1st century Judaism in Palestine (political denominations)
24. Sadducees
k. Aristocratic collaborators; mainly priests
25. Pharises
l. Adapting Judaism to daily life
26. Essenes (Dead Sea Scrolls)
m. Ascetic practices and separationalists27. Others (the unaffiliated)
f. Christianity as a Jewish denomination
xiv. First Jewish Revolt (ends in year 70)
28. Division between Judaism and Christianity
29. Focuses Christianity beyond Jerusalem
n. Otherwise Jerusalem would have remained more Jewish for a longer period of time
g. Hellenism
xv. 332 BCE: Alexanderconquers the Persians (in control of Palestine)
xvi. Greek language
30. Koine Greek (common language)
31. Lingua franca
xvii. Greek culture
32. Shared assumptions or knowledge of Greek thought
xviii. Greek philosophy
33. Platonic dualism
o. Spiritual v. Material
34. Lingering impact on...
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