la nueva constitucion politica

Páginas: 8 (1850 palabras) Publicado: 23 de mayo de 2013
Hello, my name is Jon. I'm from Denmark, and I want to talk a little bit about Denmark. If you would go to Denmark, I would recommend you to go to Legoland, which is an amusement park. The whole thing in the Amusement park is built out of lego brinks. Even the attractions, the rides, the tables at the restaurants. It's all made out of lego.
And if you're in Denmark, you might aswell go to Christiana, which is a small hippie community within the center of Copenhagen. They don't pay any taxes, and it' very anarchistic but it's still very beautiful. The nature is amazing.
Speaking of nature, I would go to Skane, which is the northern part of Denmark. Again, the nature is incredible. You go the Baltic Sea and the Northern Sea flowing together, and you can stand with onefoot in each ocean.
One more thing regarding nature would be going to the southern part of Denmark where we have something called Sort Sol. It's a natural phenomena where you have millions of birds gathering mostly in the daytime, but also at night, and they fly huge formations.
One more thing definitely should do in Denmark would be going to a handball game. It's a Danish national sport on parwith football but it's just not as popular in other countries, but still it's a very interesting sport.
Last but not least, I would recommend going to a place where you can eat smørrebrød, which is the Danish national food. It's basically rye bread with different kinds of toppings.

Hola, mi nombre es Jon. Soy de Dinamarca, y quiero hablar un poco sobre Dinamarca. Si quieres ir a Dinamarca, yole recomendaría a ir a Legoland, que es un parque de diversiones. Todo esto en el parque de atracciones se construye fuera de Brinks lego. Incluso las atracciones, los paseos, las mesas en los restaurantes. Todo está hecho de lego.
Y si estás en Dinamarca, que también podría ir a Christiana, que es una comunidad hippie pequeño en el centro de Copenhague. Ellos no pagan ningún impuesto, y es muyanarquista, pero aún así es muy hermosa. La naturaleza es increíble.

Al hablar de la naturaleza, me gustaría ir a Skåne, que es la parte norte de Dinamarca. Nuevamente, la naturaleza es increíble. Ve el Mar Báltico y el Mar del Norte que fluye junto, y usted puede estar parado con un pie en cada océano.

Una cosa más acerca de la naturaleza sería ir a la parte sur de Dinamarca, donde tenemosalgo que se llama Sort Sol. Es un fenómeno natural en el que tienen millones de aves reuniendo en su mayoría durante el día, pero también por la noche, y vuelan enormes formaciones.

Una cosa más debe hacer definitivamente en Dinamarca sería ir a un partido de balonmano. Es un deporte nacional danés a la par con el fútbol, pero no es tan popular en otros países, pero aún así es un deporte muyinteresante.

Por último, pero no menos importante, yo recomendaría ir a un lugar donde se puede comer smørrebrød, que es la comida nacional danés. Se trata básicamente de pan de centeno con diferentes tipos de coberturas.


Hello, my name is Jeff and I'm from Canada, and I do yoga every morning to start my day, and I'm going to give you six poses that's part of mymorning routine every day.
The first is the surinamaskara, and it's called the Sun Salutation, and you start with your left foot and you do six poses, and then you finish on your right foot, and you do six more poses, back to your left foot, and that is one sun salutation. And you do twelve of them in a row.
The second pose is a cat stretch pose, and your down on your hands and knees like a cat andyou're just arching your back up really high and exhaling, and then you're pushing your stomach towards the floor and inhaling and that's called the cat's stretch pose.
Another one is the eye exercises, and this is training to strengthen your eyes and your vision, and what you do is look up towards the ceiling as hard as you can, and then down towards the floor and then you look towards the...
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