La Pena De Muerte Durante Tiempos De Guerra

Páginas: 2 (387 palabras) Publicado: 25 de julio de 2012
Capital punishment during wartime

All is fair in love and war. In the United States Military, during wartime the death penalty can be used as a sanction to those who are found guilty of desertion.[1]

The death penalty has been around for many years as a punishment for crimes. During the
The abolition of Capital Punishment is a topic that has been discussed across the world, however,Death penalty and politics
The death penalty is a sensitive topic; it becomes even more sensitive when combined with politics. This being for one simple reason, the people. Oxford dictionariesdefine politics as the activities associated with the governance of a country or area. In simpler terms, this means that a politician is the elected representative of a group of people, chosen to voiceout their thoughts and concerns.
Opinions regarding abolition of the death penalty vary from place to place, mind to mind. The biggest issue is not whether it should or should not be abolished, butwhether it is ethical and/or moral to maintain or not the death penalty as a punishment for a crime. This is not a decision where only one person gets to decide what is right and what is wrong, andthere is where the politics come in.
As before mentioned, politicians are elected to voice out the people’s opinions on certain issues, but

Death Penalty in India
The capital punishment is Legalin India, all though rarely sentenced. In 1983 India’s Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty should be applied “only on the rarest of cases” [2]. Some of the capital crimes in India include butare not limited to:
* Murder
* Gang Robbery with murder
* Abetting the suicide of a child or insane person
* Waging war against the nation

In the past decades the Supreme Court ofIndia included to the list of crimes punishable by death a second offense in “large scale narcotics trafficking”.
The method used in India to carry out the death penalty is by hanging. An attempt...
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