Las Cosas

Páginas: 2 (409 palabras) Publicado: 22 de mayo de 2012
Concept | Definition | Meaning |
Achieve | Possessor of one or more shares of a company | Lograr |
Broad assortment | Increase the amount, duration or size of something | Ampliosurtido |
Earn | Make a profit | Ganar |
Efforts | Energetic action of body or mind to get something | Esfuerzos |
Feedback | the process of sharing observations, concerns and suggestions withthe other person with an intention to improve its performance as an individual | Retroalimentación |
Goal | program element that identifies the purpose toward which to target resources and effortsto comply with the purposes | Objetivo |
Hired | Agree to receive a service in exchange for money or other compensation | Contratado |
Improve | Perfect something, by passing a good state |Mejorar |
Investment | Action to allocate capital goods to turn a profit | Inversión |
Measures | Which is made according to the size of the person or location to which it is intended | Medidas |Reacted | Rejecting an attack or assault | Reaccionar |
Shareholders | Possessor of one or more shares of a company | Accionistas |
Skillfully | refers to the skill, talent, skill or fitness forany task | Hábilmente |
Sources | Origin of something, cause, beginning | Fuente |
Strengths | Ability to withstand trials and tribulations | Fortalezas |
Success | alcanzar los objetivospropuestos | Éxito |
Weaknesses | areas of opportunity | Debilidades |
Wealth | Abundance of goods and valuables | Riqueza |
Wise | Judicious, prudent | Sabio |

Concept Definition MeaningAchieve. Possessor of one or more shares of a company. Lograr
Broad assortment. Increase the amount, duration or size of something. Amplio surtido
Earn. Make a profit. Ganar
Efforts. Energeticaction of body or mind to get something. Esfuerzos
Feedback. The process of sharing observations, concerns and suggestions with the other person with an intention to improve its performance as...
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