Legalizing marijuana not worth the costs

Páginas: 4 (998 palabras) Publicado: 22 de noviembre de 2010
Legalizing Marijuana Not Worth the Costs

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S. and around the world. Those who support its legalization, for medical or for general use,fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself.
1. No resuelve un problema economico,
With theeconomy struggling through the recession, no only United States governments are exploring convenient fixes for overcoming massive debts burdening their states. To address this staggering shortfall,some legislators are proposing the legalization of marijuana to boost tax revenue.
Certainly some countries are in dire economic straits; however, we cannot allow social and law enforcement policy tobe determined simply by revenue needs. Put plainly, marijuana was made illegal because it is harmful; citing revenue gain as reason to legalize the drug emphasizes money over health and ignores thesignificant cost burdens that will inevitably arise as a result. Legalizing the drug will swell societal ills, and this outweighs the monetary benefits that might be achieved from its lawful sale.The federal government spends billions of dollars each year in an effort to undermine drug distribution throughout the country. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2006, about6,000 people a day used marijuana for the first time, a total of 2.2 million Americans. Of these, 63.3 percent were under age 18. So when the government legalizes pot for people over 21, as any of itsattempted legislation has stated, it won’t suddenly eliminate the demand for marijuana of those underage users. The war on drugs will continue.
2. No va a acabar con la Guerra de los cartelsLike Californians, who make up one-seventh of the U.S. marijuana market, already are farming marijuana at a much higher rate than in neighboring states and tend to buy domestic rather than smuggled...
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