Letras para nick y frases en inglés

Páginas: 2 (499 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2010
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Frases en inglés:
It's amazing how one day,
someone canwalk into your life
then the next day, you wonder
how you ever lived without them

Sometimes I wonder how my life look like through everyone else's eyes

All your friends seem like enemies,
whenyou're broken down and empty

Her eyes scream with the saddest apologies,
she misses her past;
but she won't dare look back

No matter what I go through, I'll make it.
Even when I can't takeit, I'll fake it

You never got the hint. when all those stupid
quotes and lyrics all over my books were about
you...well guess what? They're not about
you anymore

I want to say I deservebetter, and mean it.
I want to say I give up, and believe it.
I want to say I'm moving on, and do it

I guess I just have to accept that
you aren't the person that I once knew,
& that we aren'tthe best friends
that we once were

I believe that you can save me
and you'll never let me fall
I'm not going to come down
I believe in what you've shown me

I guess in the end it taught mehow to trust
myself. That
I should love every flaw. no matter
what, I should just make the decision and jump
and especially that I shouldn't regret it

Es asombroso cómo un día,alguien puede entrar en tu vida
al día siguiente, uno se pregunta
cómo has podido vivir sin ellos

A veces me pregunto cómo mi vida como mirar a través de los ojos de todos los demás

Todos tusamigos parecen enemigos,
cuando estás roto y vacío

Sus ojos grito con la más triste disculpas,
extraña a su pasado;
pero ella no se atreverá a mirar hacia atrás

No importa lo que paso, lo voy ahacer.
Aun cuando no puedo entender, voy a fingir

Nunca se consiguió la pista. cuando todos esos estúpidos
cotizaciones y las canciones de todo mis libros estaban a punto
así que ......
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