Ley del Iva

Páginas: 3 (579 palabras) Publicado: 10 de mayo de 2013
Salvadoran pupusas

They are the typical food of El Salvador, as is tradition in that country prepare this food as part of their cuisine. Pupusas consist of a corn tortilla handmade, stuffed withcheese and loroco, pork and beans mixed in one omelette


1 lb. cornmeal (preferably maseca)
1 lb. quesillo
1 lb. ground pork
1lb. bean


Prepare the doughaccording to package directions, adding water to the flour to a consistency similar to modeling clay. Then take one ball of dough until you get a thin omelette and plump. Once your omelette cooked, put in itscenter a little curd, pork or beans (you can also mix the ingredients). Then close the tortilla so as to form a new ball. Knead with the palm of your hands to get it back in the form of an omelette.Pupusas are cooked on a hot griddle or do not have one, in a nonstick skillet or griddle. Cooking is 1-2 minutes per side and pupusas depending on size of each! Be careful: the dough should be wellcooked!

For the sauce:

4-5 Tomatoes
1 green chilli
1 Garlic
1 onion
Oregano, salt and black pepper

Preparing the sauce:

Blend all ingredients until you get a fine puree and homogeneous.Then cook the mixture for about 30 minutes over low heat.

For tanning:

1/2 Cabbage
1 cup of vinegar
1 Carrot
1 onion
1 green chili.

Preparation of tanning:

Grate the cabbage, thecarrot, onion and green chili can be made into slices, strips or small pieces and then put them through the boiling water, and then remove the water and let cool. For the tanned look better, decorate in aclear glass bottle and finally deposítele vinegar and salt to taste.

Pupusas salvadoreñas

Son la comida típica de El Salvador, como ya es tradición en ese país la elaboración de este alimentocomo parte de su cocina. Pupusas consisten en una tortilla de maíz hechas a mano, rellenas con queso y loroco, cerdo y frijoles mezclados en una tortilla


£ 1 harina de maíz (Maseca...
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