Licenciado en educación básica con énfasis en humanidades e ingles

Páginas: 12 (2830 palabras) Publicado: 27 de marzo de 2011

Nowadays English has become an important language all over the world. That is way many people want to learn a second language. In order for them to learn English as a second language some important aspects have to be taken into account, such as: learning strategies, learning styles, communication strategies. Every single person has a unique style and ways for learning a secondlanguage therefore; this makes them learn a language in an easier way. However, there are others who faces some difficulties when the moment of learning this. For this reason, we wanted to interview an English learner in order to demonstrate the importance of these aspects when the moment of learning a second language.


After finishing the examination of the English student fromCordoba University, We are expected to:
1. Recognize the most important aspects regarding to learning strategies and learning styles of this person.

2. Explain the learning strategies and learning styles of this English student.

3. Know the different learning strategies and learning styles that this person has.

4. Suggest some aspects to help the subject to overcome herdifficulties


In the following work, we are going to take into account an English student of the English Language Teaching program at Cordoba University, and in order to do it so, we are going to follow the following steps:

1. Firstly, some questions are going to be prepared.

2. Then, those questions are going to be asked to the subject in order to know what herlearning strategies, learning styles and communication strategies are.

3. After that, the interview is going to be record with a microphone for burn it onto a cd.

4. Finally, the collected information will be put in an analysis and some suggestions will be made to the subject.

Description of the subject

The subject is an English student of the English degree program at CordobaUniversity. Her name is Teresa Pico Alvarez, She is 21 and currently she is in sixth semester. The information of the subject will be shown in the next part.

Learning styles

According to learning styles we consider that the student is field dependence because in the information provided by her, we inferred she likes working in groups and this is one of the important aspects of this learning style,Also, we are able to confirm this when she said during the interview she likes working in groups and she answered in this way:
“En grupo … en grupo si me gusta trabajar, pero me gusta trabajar con gente que puede tener mi nivel de Ingles … si para que uno pueda hablarle y que esa persona le pueda responder en Ingles”.
There is another answer given by the subject during the interview where we cansee that she owns a high level of this learning style and It is when we asked her if she likes working in groups when doing an speaking activity and whether she likes to be corrected or not, and she answered:
“A mi si me gusta que me corrijan por que … claro si me corrigen … como … adecuadamente claro pero si me encanta no es que me encanta sino que me gusta que una persona que se le vea elnivel del speaking o tenga un vocabulario bastante bueno esa persona me corrija pero si veo que esa persona tiene un nivel mas bajo que yo ahí si no le pregunto a el sino le pregunto al profesor como se dice la palabra para estar mas segura “
Another learning style we found in her was the reflectivity style because the reflectivity style is thinking before speaking, and this is what we couldinferred when we asked her if she thinks before speaking when the teacher asks to the class a question. Also she has a little of the impulsivity style because in some cases she gives an opinion without reflecting, we witnessed this as she answered in this way:
“No a veces no me sucede así de pronto … la situación si se sale del tema que es relacionado con la clase de pronto si trato de pensarla porque...
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