Life skills

Páginas: 2 (429 palabras) Publicado: 13 de septiembre de 2010
Goals within the next two weeks

| | | |Matches Values and | |
|Goals|Realistic |Specific |Priorities |Time Needed |
|Short-Term: |Take the SAT and College |I need to take the |Values:Accomplishment, |A month. |
| |Board. |college board and Sat |Success. | |
|| |before October. | | |
| | | |Priorities:School and my| |
| | | |future. | |
||Loose 10 pound and |I need to follow a strict|Values: Beauty, Challenge|Three weeks. |
| |achieve my ideal weight. |diet so that I can reach |and| |
| | |my ideal weight and feel |Change. | |
|| |better about my body. |Priorities: Security and | |
| | | |selfconfidence. | |
| |Apply to the Universities|I need to make the choice|Values : Improvement, |Two Months |
||of my choice. |of staying in Puerto Rico|Independence. | |
| | |or moving back to Ohio |...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas