Linea del tiempo de computadoras

Páginas: 2 (349 palabras) Publicado: 25 de agosto de 2010
History of Computers

1) Abacus: used in ancient Rome, Greece, India, China, and Japan. The abacus uses beads to represent numbers. For using must learn algorithm.
2) Mechanical Calculator: Itwas really useful because the operator enters the number for a calculation and pulls a lever to carry the calculation 1632 A.D
3) The Hollerith Tabulating Machine: Created by Hernan Hollerith. It wascreated for the US census and it was designed for electronic punched card tabulating device. 1890
4) The Atanasoff-Berry Computer: John V. and Clifford E. Berry created it, it was used withvacuum tubes and it incorporated the idea of basing calculations in the binary number system. 1939
5) COLOSSUS: A British team created it was used for decoding messages encrypted by the German Enigmamachine and was capable of reading 5,000 characters per second. 1943
6) ENIAC: John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Echkertt started to work in the ENIAC that was big general-purpose computer designed tocalculate the trajectory tables of the US army. 1943
7) UNIVAC: It was the fist commercial digital computer, created by Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. IT was 14.5 feet long, 7.5 feet high, and 9 feetwide. 1951
8) Second generation computers: This new computer used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. At&t´s Bell laboratories where the ones who demonstrated this new second generation computer.1947
9) Third generation Computers: they reduced the cost, they where minicomputers and they use integrated circuits. 1965
10) Fourth generation computers: Ted Hoff created the first microprocessor,it was smaller, faster, and cheaper than third generation computers it had a great impact. 1971
11) IBM PC: IBM started promoting the new personal computer with 8088 processor. 1981
12) AppleMachintoch: Brought to the market by Apple and it was a graphical user interface that made programs easier to use. First computer with mouse 1984
13) IBM. Compatible computer: In the mid 90´s the IBM...
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  • Linea del tiempo de la computadora
  • linea de tiempo de las computadoras
  • Linea del tiempo de la computadora
  • Linea Del Tiempo De Las Computadoras

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