Logisitica Internacional

Páginas: 4 (967 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2013


Instructor Name: Salvador Rodriguez Aldrete, MBA Semester: Spring 2013Academic Area: International Management Meeting Days Time: Wednesday 15:00-18:00Prefix/Section: NI3012Class Location: Room 122 |
The student will learn to analyze the competitiveness of industries, regions and countries based in the PORTER 5 FORCEMODEL. The student should also understand the CREATION OF VALUE and the techniques to deliver it to customers efficiently.

Required & Supplemental Materials:
TEXT BOOK:Porter, Michael, OnCompetition, Expanded and updated edition.Harvard Business Review. .School Publishing, Boston, 2008Supplemental Materials:Porter, Michael, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing industriesand competitors, Free Press ed, New York, 2004Porter, Michael, Competitive Strategy, CECSA, Mexico, (video) |
Course Information

This course will be given in English once a week, including lectures,discussions, debates, readings, paper writings, case studies, pop quizzes, peer evaluations, powerpoint presentations, and teamwork.

Students can use Microsoft Office PowerPoint asa visual aid for their presentations using English language.

Pop Questionnaires (Quizzes)
Quiz is an unannounced short exam designed to see whether the students have done their reading assignmentor if they understand and remember the class discussion from previous days. During this course, the instructor will give several quizzes to the students without warning on reading assignments orhomework.

Mid Term Exams
Mid Term tests will be given in a regular basis, three times during the quarter. The dates are below.

1st Mid Test: February 13
2nd Mid Test: March 13
3rd Mid Test:...
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