
Páginas: 12 (2915 palabras) Publicado: 12 de marzo de 2013
It is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, and the largest city and urban area in Britain and throughout the Union Europea.2 Located on the River Thames, London is a major human settlement since it was founded by the Romans Londinium name almost two milenios.3 the old center of the city, the City of London, largely retains its medieval perimeter of a square mile.HISTORY

Prehistory and antiquity

Although remains have been found scattered Britons settlements in the area, the first settlement was founded by the Romans in AD 43 d. C.33 However, only seventeen years later, in the year 61, the Iceni tribe of Queen Boudica stormed and burned the colony soon romana. The rebuilt city prospered and in 100 succeeded Colchester as the capital of the Romanprovince of Britannia. At its peak under Latino government during the second century. C., Londinium reached a population of about 60,000 people. By the seventh

London has its own police force, the Police of the City of London. Meanwhile, the British Transport Police are responsible for safety in rail and metro ciudad.

Century the Anglo-Saxons had created a new settlement called Lundenwic abouta mile north of the old Roman city, around what is now Covent Garden.


The administration of London is made up of two levels: strategic city-wide and a local. The city administration is coordinated by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the local administration is managed by 33 other authorities’ menores. The GLA consists of two elected bodies: the Mayor of London,who has executive powers, and the London Assembly, who oversees the mayor's decisions and can approve or reject his budget proposals each year. The headquarters of the GLA is City Hall, located in Southward, and the current mayor is Boris Johnson. The mayor's planning strategy is published with the name of London Plan. Local authorities are the councils of the London boroughs and the Corporation ofthe City of London, responsible for the majority of services such as schools, social services, local roads and refuse collection. Some functions, such as waste management, are provided through agreements conjuntos.81

Police in Greater London, with the exception of the City, is the London Metropolitan Police, part of the Metropolitan Police Authority. The City of London has its own police force,the Police of the City of London. Meanwhile, the British Transport Police are responsible for safety in rail and metro ciudad.82.

Londres tiene un clima oceánico templado, similar al del resto del sur de Gran Bretaña. A pesar de su reputación de ciudad lluviosa, Londres recibe menos precipitaciones en un año que Roma (834 mm...) o Burdeos (923 mm...). Los inviernos sonfríos, con unas dos heladas por semana en los suburbios entre los meses de noviembre y marzo. La nieve cae raramente, unas cuatro o cinco veces al año entre diciembre y febrero, mientras que en los meses de marzo y abril puede nevar una vez cada dos o tres años. Las temperaturas invernales oscilan entre los −4 °C y los 14 °C, aunque durante el invierno de 2010 la ciudad experimentó su récord bajo cero:−14 °C en Northolt y la nevada más copiosa de las últimas dos décadas, que colapsó las infraestructuras de transporte de la ciudad. Las temperaturas más extremas registradas en toda el área de Londres van desde más de 38 °C a los −16.1 °C que se re registraron en Northolt en enero de 1962. Antes del siglo XX al parecer se dieron temperaturas por debajo de −20 °C, pero se duda de la precisión deesas mediciones.
Los veranos son generalmente cálidos y de vez en cuando muy calurosos. En el centro de la ciudad las temperaturas suelen ser unos 5 °C más altas que en el extrarradio debido al efecto de isla de calor que crea el área urbana. La temperatura media de los veranos londinenses es de 24 °C, aunque alrededor de siete días del año suelen superar los 30 °C y dos días los 32 °C. Desde...
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