Los Adolhow To Take A Time Out From Angry

Páginas: 4 (751 palabras) Publicado: 24 de julio de 2012
How To Take a Time Out from Anger

Coping with anger can be a important skill, especially is you have PTSD. People with PTSD may experience high levels of anger. As a result, they may be morelikely to have arguments and conflicts with others. In some cases, violent behavior may also result. Therefore, it is important for people with PTSD to learn ways of better managing their anger.
Onesimple strategy is to take a "time out." Taking a time out means temporarily removing yourself from an escalating situation so you can cool down. The steps involved in taking a time out are describedbelow.
Here's How:
1. Before you are in a heated situation, identify what you are going to do or where you are going to go should you need a time out. Find a place that is quiet and relaxing for you.Also, come up with some things you can do to help you cool down during a time out, such as deep breathing or mindfulness techniques.
2. Recognize when your anger levels are increasing or when asituation is getting too heated for you. Pay attention to how your body feels. If you notice that your heart rate is increasing or the level of tension in your body is going up, this may be an early signthat your frustration and anger are increasing. The earlier you catch your anger, the better off you will be in managing it.
3. Once you notice that your anger is increasing, remove yourself from thesituation as soon as you can and take a time out.
4. If interacting with another person, tell them that you need a time out. However, don't just get up and leave. Instead, be assertive and use "I"statements.
For example, don't say, "You make me so angry I just have to leave the room." Instead, say "I am noticing that I am starting to get upset. I want to continue this conversation, but I want tomake sure that things don't get out of control. I am going to take a few minutes to calm down, and then I would like it if we could continue our conversation."
Plan what you would like to say. It...
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