Los Mapuches

Páginas: 3 (680 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012
Los mapuches (mapu, 'land', y che, 'people' the meaning of these two together is ' people of the land', 'natives'), also named araucanos by the Spanish, europeans who arrived to chile at first. Thisis a nomad tribe originated in sudamerica, they lived at between the south of chile and the southeast of argentina. Los mapuches are divided in two different groups, the hunters who were called“tehuelches” and the settlers who were called the picunches. The tehuelches were responsible of hunting animals in order to keep the tribe with enough food, and also were responsible of defending the tribeand keep them safe from any danger. And the picunches were responsible of keep the village in order, this means to have everything well prepared, prepare the food, arming and disarming the campings,build tents.The aborigines who belong to the mapuche community must speak the “mapuche” language or the Mapudungun. Their base of food was mainly composed by corn and potatoes, but also they huntdifferent by using their weapons, and traps for the birds.
In one occasion the Europeans were defeated by los mapuche, and this was in the war of Arauco , here los mapuches showed their skills andtalent using horses and different weapons they used. And after that los mapuches between the 16 and 17 centuries expanded all around the south of argentina.When the Europeans arrived to south Americawith the objective to conquer the land, “Los mapuches” were located in “the Aconcagua” argentina, and in “the chiloe island” in chile. And these finally conquered the lands that los mapuches wereoccupying, by invading them in the military operations called the conquista del desierto, and the pacificacion de la araucania.

El atuendo de un hombre mapuche se compone de:

1) De un pantalón grisde lana y una camisa blanca o de otro color claro.

2) Chiripa: es de una forma rectangular. Se lo pasa entre las piernas fajándoselo a la cintura. La chiripa intenta proteger los genitales...
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